I took notes during the conference on Sunday, we didnt catch the one on Satuday because we were sledding. But I like to keep notes so that I can later reference them. I love watching conference, its always so peaceful. If you read my notes and I have mis written or mis quoted someone, please let me know so that I can fix it.
First Session:
Dieter F. Uchtdorf - I was making my breakfast during his talk, but he said one very profound and touching sentence. I feel like this is something that we all need to think of daily, myself especially... Every person is a VIP to our Heavenly Father. Wow, what power that sentence holds. I know that I need to remember that.
Richard D. Scott - Jesus gave us the path to be able to rise again. Easter is when we return gratitude for what the Savior did. LDS members can better understand what Christ really did for us, because we have complete knowledge about what he did. Jesus gave his life to break the bonds of death. He is the fountain of truth. When we obey a law we receive a blessing. The Savior had to go through the Atonement alone, not because God didnt love him but because he needed to do it alone. Use the Church as a righteous tool to strengthen the home. The best way to make a permanent change for good is to let Jesus be the center of your life.
Donald L. Halstrom - Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace. No matter the cause the source of our response can change the recourse of our lives. "Come unto me all who are labored and I will give you rest," Jesus said. There is joy and pain, without one we cannot know the other. How we respond to situations can reset our direction of our souls. Fear not what man can do for God will be with you forever and ever. If you feel you have been wronged, deal with the matter directly, dont give up, turn to Christ. Never let an earthly circumstance hurt you spiritually. Let us turn to the Lord. He will forever right our life.
Cheryl S. Lant - Striving to be worthy is an example in itself. We must love the Lord with all of our hearts. As we love our families we love the Lord. Be an example. You must know the way in order to show. We may feel as if we are failing, but through the Lord we can be who we need to be and do what we need to do.
Quinton R. Cook - "Ye are my deciples if you show love one to another." Our focus has always been on the resurection of the Lord. Repent and become a Saint through the Atonement. How we interact with others is a measure of our love for Christ. We need to be respectfull of others and love even our enemies. Sacrement meeting is the holiest of all meetings of the church. It shows our commitment to Heavenly Father to remember his Son and to renew our baptisimal covenants. Spend your life tyring to be mroe loving to all no matter how strong the adversary is. Conducting yourself as Jesus lives and loves is more important than being angry. If we want to have the inspiration of the Holy Ghost we need to slow down and make time to ponder and pray. There will be times when we will be tried beyond what we think that we can handle. We are preparing for the second coming. Because of the atonement we will be reunited with our loved ones after death. There will be times when we will be tried, Seek ye the Higher.
President Monson - If a man die shall he live again? This was a question asked by Jobe. If there is a design to the world there must be a designer. There is a grand designer - God. He made cattle, beast and creeping things. Last of all he ccreated man in his image. Man the noblest work of the Great Designer. So we would have the chance to succeed he provided His Son. He went about doing good, the book of Acts. The suffering of Jesus in Gethsamane caused myself, even God, to tremble (I know thats not the right word...) from pain. If a man die... he SHALL live again. He lives, death is conquered, man is free.
Close of first session.
Russell M. Nelson - Every person who comes to this earth is a product of past parads. Methods for Temple ordinancing are improving. He spoke mainly of geneology and the importance of doing the Temple work for your ancestors.
Robert D. Hales - What is my duty to God in relationship to youth? Consistentally living the Gospel. Will my children know what I know? We lead by understandint them. We must do more than be in the same room. We need to make umpressions on their minds and hearts. It is impossible to over influence the effect parents to their children. Being there means understanding their hearts. The saddest words of tongue and pen are those that say, it may have been.
Bradley D. Foster - There is no greater good in all the world than motherhood. A distraction does not have to be evil to be effective. We must never stop trying to find our lost ones. There will always be a family and church waiting for us to return. He then reads a poem by Elizabeth Achers about mothers. The love of a true mother comes to that like the love of our Heavenly Father.
James B. Martino - Five things to make us more like Jesus. 1 - He sought not to do his will but to do that of his Father. 2 - When faced with trials we must learn to not complain or murmer. But to look toward the Lord. 3 - I MISSED THIS ONE... IF YOU HAVE IT PLEASE LET ME KNOW.
4 - Let us serve and think of others. 5 - Forgive others. Be accountable for your own decisions.
Gregory A. Schwitzer - We cannot judge others but we are expected to have excellent judgement. Good judgement is needed iin making decisions that will either lead us away or towards the Gospel. Many blessings in life are missed because worldly judgements are involved. The Gospel has a long and successful record of leading people to happiness. Listen to our living Prophet. A relationship of listening requires a peaceful environment, this includes external and internal. "Peace I leave with you... let your heart not be afraid or troubled..."
Fransisco J. Vinas - 28th Chapter of Alma. Awful death will come unto the wicked. No unclean think can inherit the kingdom of God. Teach things that pertain to righteousness, there are many examples in the scriptures. Parents hold an essential role in showing their children righteousness. Speak words or righteousness, those who do this will receive rewards.
Neil A. Anderson - Our generation is said to be in the very best ever. We have been placed on earth in troubled times. The adversary is using every means possible to ensnare us. We cannot be casual in how we prepare. We must fan the flame of our Spiritual core. Do we teach that Jesus often said, "Ask and you shall receive." Jesus stands ready with open arms. Do we feel the power of Jesus' miracles? It is by faith that miracles arive. Be not afraid. Do we anticipate His majestic return? Tell me the stories of Jesus that I love to hear. Open the scriptures and discuss them. Speak more frequently of Jesus Christ. When the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, he shall not get through if you are based on a solid rock.
"Two men can do anything ... As long as one is the Lord."
President Monson - We are here because we love the Lord. We want to serve Him because we love Him. In all ways acknowledge him.
I made this blog for me, there are alot of quotes that I wanted to have somewhere permanent to be able to look for them. And again, if I have misquoted something, please let me know.
Be Mindful
4 weeks ago
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